Saturday, August 4, 2012


The past few weeks have flown let's catch up!

Friday, July 20th was a bitter-sweet day for the kids and I. We said a tear-filled goodbye to our friends, the Beekers, who are currently making their way across the country to their new home in Las Vegas. (Ok, Sheri and I cried, the kids were just...the kids.) But, on the bright side, we were able to spend a lot of very sweet time with our friends before they left.

Abigail, TJ, Ethan, Caleb, and Audrey

TJ, Ethan & Caleb (We really need to work on Ethan smiling with his eyes open!)

Funny Faces!

This is how the boys are most of the time when they're together--in a pile on top of each other with big smiles on their faces.

Does it get any sweeter than these two?
Sheri and I met 3 years ago in Claire Reddig's MOPS group, but I feel like I've known her forever.  For the last 2 years, I've had the privilege of leading a MOPS group with Sheri--and let me tell you, she is an amazing wife, woman and mother.  I have learned so much from her!  We are especially thankful for this past year because they were supposed to move after 2 years (Sheri's husband, Kevin, is in the military) and got to stay for 3 :)  MOPS won't be the same this fall (and I know I'm not the only one who feels this way), but we are excited for their Vegas adventure!

We love you, Beeker Family!

1 comment:

  1. We love your blog!!!! So glad that you started one! We miss you!!
